Cloak & Dagger by Michel Lee King

About the Book

Title: Cloak & Dagger
Author: Michel Lee King
Genre: Fantasy
A demonic howl rips through the air. Panicked voices call out. Women race through the fields to the sanctuary of their walled village. The wolf howls again. Men barricade the entrance, daughters are wrapped in the protective arms of their mothers. Sons race to assist their fathers.
It is a scene I’ve seen many times. Heard many times. Caused many times. Their fear does nothing for me. I’m not here for them. I am here for the one they harbor, the one they protect. The harpy in maiden’s clothing. I am here for the one who changed me.
She stole my life, my husband, my future, my sanity. Now with the wolf inside I will find her. I will shred her. That harpy will never fly again.
My name is Ashleigh. I am the big bad wolf. And I am here for Rosamund.

Author Bio

I drink copious amounts of coffee while writing light and dark fiction. It is an obsession of mine (both coffee and writing). I love to create different world people can delve into. Whether set in our world or a fantasy, I love to push my characters through experiences that most of us can relate to. We’ve all been embarrassed by our own actions. We’ve all had those moments you wish you could take back. We’ve all had the “naked on the first day of school” dream. Our idiosyncrasies are what make us human. And, I love to force those traits on my characters to see how they cope with them.
I live in western Washington state in the shadow of Mount Rainier with my husband, son, dog, and the cat that adopted us and refuses to leave. When not writing, I can be found in a library, in the woods, or reading next to the fire.
I am a raging introvert, but I can be found on social media through:
Facebook – King.Michel.Lee
Twitter – @Michel_Lee_King
