A Way Back Into Love by Veronica Thatcher

~ Book Tour ~
A Way Back Into Love by Veronica Thatcher
13th March to 25th March, 2017

About the Book:

Nothing is perfect. Life is messy. Relationships are complex. Outcomes, uncertain. People, irrational. But love… Well, that makes complicates everything complicated. When you are caught in a tangled web of secrets, lies, and complex affairs, someone is bound to get burned.
Emily Stevens is a spunky, spirited college girl whose life is turned upside-down when she realizes she's in love with her best friend of fifteen years, Derek Thorpe. As Emily prepares to confess her feelings to Derek, something happens one night which changes her life forever. Five years later, Emily finds herself in Boston, alone and heartbroken. Will she ever be able to forget the past? And what will she find when she returns home... to the man she left behind?

Book Links:
Goodreads * Paperback * eBook

Meet Derek:

If you had a free day with no responsibilities and your only mission was to enjoy yourself, what would you do?
Derek: I would go fishing, go for a picnic with my family/friends or cook and create new        

If you could spend the day with someone you admire (living or dead or imaginary), who would you pick?
Derek: Nelson Mandela.

What is your idea of perfect happiness? And, what is your current state of mind?
Derek: To me, perfect happiness is being surrounded by the people I love the most.
I’m currently at a crossroads in my life, where I’m chasing my dream of perfect happiness but it seems elusive to me. My emotions are all over the place. I know I have to reach a decision soon, but so many questions are still unanswered.

What do you consider to be the most overrated virtue and why? 
Derek: Forgiveness. I don’t forget or forgive. If someone does something bad intentionally, then it’s not a mistake, and it doesn’t deserve forgiveness. Some things are just simply unforgettable and unforgivable. And I don’t hesitate to admit it that unlike some others, I don’t have a heart of gold. You hurt me intentionally, and you’re dead to me. Period.

Tell us 3 things about yourself that the readers do not know about.
Derek: I can be a touch arrogant and self-centered when I want to be. In my childhood, I had a pet cat named Snuggles. And I was a mathlete in school. If I hadn’t gone into medicine, I would have definitely pursued a degree in Maths. I love the subject.

About the Author:
Veronica Thatcher is an exciting new contemporary romance author. Ever since she was very young, she’s dreamed of becoming a doctor when she grew up. While still forging ahead with that, majoring in pre-med in college, she unwittingly stumbled upon a new dream—becoming a published author. Some may call her an introvert or a wallflower, but she has always found she could express herself better in written, rather than spoken, words. However, never in her wildest dreams had she envisioned she would pursue writing as a prospective career, not just a hobby. Her love for writing goes hand-in-hand with her love for a good romance novel—whether it be a feel-good, sweet romance or a dark, suspenseful one. When she’s not studying, reading, or writing, she is usually found blasting her favourite songs, sometimes singing and dancing along to them.  She dabbles in a number of activities, including painting, karate, singing and dancing. She is a huge chocoholic – probably the biggest – and she is an ice-cream junkie too. She considers herself technologically handicapped forever and has no shame in admitting that. She also deems chocolates her boyfriend, Patrick Dempsey the love of her life, and Friends her life!
Her first book, A Way Back Into Love, is slated for release in February 2017, and she hopes readers will enjoy it as much as she enjoyed writing it. You can reach Veronica through Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, Wattpad and Gmail.

Contact the Author:

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