Question of Devotion by Anita Kulina

Question of Devotion by Anita Kulina

Question of Devotion by Anita Kulina

Publisher:  Brandt Street Press (November 8, 2016) 
Category: Cozy Mystery, Women Sleuths 
Tour Date: March & April, 2017 
ISBN: 978-0974260761 
Available in: Print & ebook,  256 Pages 

A Question Of Devotion 

Then she saw it – a sheet of paper in the mailbox, underneath the mail. It was white with large black letters and said LEAVE IT ALONE. Mrs. B has a quiet life, and she likes it that way. Morning pinochle games at St. Mary’s Senior Center. Afternoon lunches with Myrtle, Anne and Rose. Peaceful evenings with a cup of coffee and the classic movie channel. But one day she wakes to a phone call, which leads to consequences she could never have foreseen. Secrets snowball and threaten to change the neighborhood of Burchfield forever. Someone has to make things right. It’s up to Mrs. B.

Praise for Question of Devotion by Anita Kulina

"If you can picture Columbo when he's retired, and spending more time in church and the kitchen, and Polish, and wearing a babushka, you have a sense of the down-home detective that Anita Kulina has created. I love Mrs. B!"-Brian O'Neill, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette columnist and author of The Paris of Appalachia 

"A Question of Devotion is a comforting snapshot of an aging population, where the way of life is still bound by churches, neighborhoods, and countries of origin. Its heroine, Mrs. B, is not just an old woman living out her twilight years at the senior center, but an able detective engaged in solving a mystery as cozy as cocoa and afghans on a cold Western Pennsylvania day."-Kathryn Miller Haines, author of the Rosie Winter Mysteries and the Iris Anderson Mysteries

Ten Things You Didn’t Know About Mrs. B

1. She’s a Bing Crosby fan.

2. Her favorite thing about amusement parks is cotton candy.

3. Her favorite teacher was Sister Ignatius.

4. Her first language was Polish, even though she was born in the United States.

5. Her favorite sandwich is ham on raisin bread. The good kind of raisin bread, with icing on top.

6. She could dance a mean polka in her day.

7. She keeps a rosary in her purse.

8. Her husband Albert always got her pink carnations for her birthday.

9. When she goes into a church she’s never been to before, after she says a prayer, she makes a wish.

10. She thinks about Leo every day, whether she wants to or not.

Mrs. B solves her first mystery in A Question of Devotion, by Anita Kulina, available on Amazon or at your local bookstore.

About Anita Kulina

Question of Devotion by Anita Kulina

Like most people who love to write, Anita Kulina has been telling stories since she was old enough to hold a pen. Her first publication was in the letters-to-the-editor column of Adventure Comics #341. Nowadays, much of her work centers on the rich and colorful lives of Pittsburgh’s working poor. Since Anita spent much of her life in those ranks, it’s a subject dear to her heart. Her book Millhunks and Renegades won her the Achievement in Literature award from the community of Hazelwood in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She is currently at work on the next two Mrs. B books.

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Question of Devotion by Anita Kulina