Because You Loved Me by Christa Allan

Historical Fiction
Date Published: March 2017

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New Orleans 1841

Ever since her parents died of yellow fever when she was a child, Charotte LeClerc has lived with her grandparents, who rarely speak of their son and his wife. They are on the verge of negotiating a marriage contract with a suitor, a man Charlotte loathes, when they discover that she enjoys the company of Gabriel Girod, a young Creole man. Her future hangs in the balance as her grandparents choose between keeping secrets or revealing a truth they've known since before her birth -- a truth that will make the difference between a life of obligation and a life of choice for Charlotte.

(PLEASE NOTE: This novel was originally published as Love Finds You in New Orleans)

About the Author

A true Southern woman who knows any cook worth her gumbo always starts with a roux, Christa Allan is an award-winning author who writes women’s fiction, stories of hope and redemption.
Christa is the mother of five, grandmother of three, and is recently retired after teaching twenty-five years of high school English. She and her husband Ken recently moved to Houston to be closer to their children after a lifetime dodging hurricanes in New Orleans, schlepping along their three neurotic cats and their dog Herman. You can find her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and sometimes even at her desk where she's supposed to be writing.

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